The Place of Still

Sometimes I feel like a leaf caught in the current.

Kids, work, family, the phone, the internet.

My yoga teacher told me you’re not a bird in the sky. You are the sky. Clouds drift across, in and out, don’t sweat it, you’re bigger than that.

I dropped yoga after 3 months. Not my thing.

Where I want to be is a rock in that current with everything swirling around me.
How to get there?

One way is to sit and write.
There is no other stillness in my life.
No other place that is just me and a world populated by me, something that is wholly mine.

Often I am trying to get to that place while all around the maelstrom swirls.
Most of the time in fact.

I am always amazed when I can close out the storm around. And lately it’s been rare.
But when the house is almost silent, the kids preoccupied, the dogs sleeping, I can find my way there.