Snow Days

I’m about 44,000 words into my new book and finally, after a few miserable weeks of slogging, am feeling pretty happy about the way the story is developing. It’s all starting to come together. The end is in sight.
I know what I want to write in these final chapters.
It is the moment that writers dream about, when it all stretches out before you like a rolled carpet that just needs a little nudge to unroll.
But the kids have had no school. 3 snow days this week so far.
At this moment my 3 year old stands on a chair right in front of my desk and screams ‘knock knock’ over and over again. If I could find the person who turned her on to knock knock jokes I would throttle them with my bare hands. Though on reflection it was probably her brother

My new office is amazing. It has a door. I can close the door. But, one side of it opens onto the sun-room, so that I can enjoy the view of the town center and the sea beyond it. The glorious mercurial sea which inspires me so much and is one of the main reasons we moved here. I get the sun, and lately views of drifting snow, and at night the moon hanging over the peaked roof of the Gothic Presbyterian church next door.
But it gives the kids direct access to me.
So choice:
a)Build a wall and lose my view and sun and basically convert my light, airy office into a windowless box. Sort of like a coffin.

b)Or keep it open and reply “who’s there” only to have her dissolve into giggles. She doesn’t know that part of the joke.

At the moment, I’m seriously considering the wall.

I hate to admit it but it doesn’t take much to throw me off course. I wish i could stay up late and write when the kids sleep and the house is quiet but I can’t. That time is for my husband and me and relaxing and (lately) American Idol.

When your routine is interrupted, how do you keep on track with your writing?