
I apologize profusely for not blogging for a couple of weeks.
It’s been a combination of sudden frenetic busyness in my world and a lack of very much to say.

And I’ve been working on my WIP.
Yes, the same old one but much changed and, dare I say it, much improved.

I’ve noticed that things seem to go in cycles.
Right now there is a fervor of activity which lasts until American Thanksgiving (around the end of November) and then peters off again until after New Year’s Day.
It was like that with things in the music industry and it’s like that in publishing from what I can tell. Not that writers ever slow down completely, although I do know of one who works all year and then takes December and January off and goes to Disneyland.

I mean to take December off this year. 2010 has been a big one for me. Revisions, new book, a second pitch, a big move…I am exhausted.
Now I’m mostly waiting for all the seeds I’ve planted to sprout.

But I also know that I can’t not write.
So I will probably cut my self-imposed vacation short.
However I will also revel in not having an actual deadline or even a daily word count at this point and just write because I love to do it.
Back soon with a real post.
kiss kiss.

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