
At a loss for anything to blog about right now…
Hello, moving house tomorrow morning!
I figured I would turn to the natural subject people rely on when they have nothing interesting to say.
The always thrilling and informative subject that is me.
I thought I’d just write down a bunch of facts about myself, striving for the more interesting, odd ones rather than for instance that my feet are a size 10.
So here we go. Hold onto your hats:

1) I have been a vegetarian since I was 12. My grandmother’s house was next to a slaughterhouse.
2) I enjoy curse words.
3) My hair has been dyed every color of the rainbow and I used to have a mohawk.
4) I like dogs better than cats, and crows best of all.
5) I am almost 5’11” (hence the big feet).
6) I have never modeled. But my cousin was a successful male model in the UK. Damn him and his perfect cheekbones!
7) I have 6 tattoos.
8) My sister is my best friend. She is 23 months younger and for 3 weeks during the year we say we are only 1 year apart.
9) My sister is teeny weeny, and the best mother I know.
10) My parents let us read any book in the house that we wanted.
11) I love libraries.
12) I used to paint huge murals.
13) As a late teen I got in trouble for graffitti-ing and had to perform 88 hours of community service.
14) I love zombie movies and also french art film.
15) I have two munchkins.
16) I always remember my dreams.
17) I once pierced my friend’s nose with a very large darning needle.
18) I used to be scared of heights but spending a lot of time on top of a billboard cured me.
19) I believe in magic.
20) I also believe that people should be as kind as possible, and that we owe the earth a stewardship.
21) When I was 2, I ate as much pasta as my Nonna could shovel into me.
22) My Italian relatives have had a huge impact on who I am, and how much I love risotto.
23) I stood beside the PA for an entire Motorhead concert.
24) My husband, a close friend and mother all have the same birthday 5 days before mine. My family contains an abundance of Pisces.
25) Indian food is my favorite dinner.
26) I boxed for 5 years. My cool fighter nickname was Belladonna.
27) I’m a mean cook and dessert maker.
28) I always thought I’d become a vet or a naturalist.
29) My favorite colors are purple and black.
30) I am inspired by the wonderful women in my life. And chocolate. One of my dearest friends outran a tsunami so I put her in a book.

10 thoughts on “Moi

  1. I have a sister. She is two years younger, but always has behaved as the bossy big sister! She's great. 🙂

    Always wished I were taller (5 ft. 4 and 5/8 inches) 😀

    Envy your #16.

    A friend did #17 to me. Ears, not nose.

    And AMEN to #20!

    There is an abundance of Leos in my family. I am a Cancer. How did that happen?

    Good luck with your move!

  2. I love that list! We have things in common, are polar opposites and also see things in our migraines!

    Number 17 made me feel slightly ill though.

    Good luck with the move, Jo.

  3. Claire- sisters are great though I know some who hate each other.
    Marisa- re- # 17, was there copious amounts of alcohol involved in your experience too? Actually I put that in a book as well.
    Donna- It's weird how many writers I know who get migraines…and I got them well before I spent my days hunched over a computer.
    Jill- that was my local library in Woodstock. Have not explored my new library here yet….
    Kath- Awww. Thanks!

  4. My sister was always teeny-weeny growing up. And now I'm rejoicing in her adult figure–very close to the plumpness of my own. Small mercies from above.

    You're a very interesting person, Jo. I laughed in approximately four places. 😉

    1. Gary, you do know the person whose nose I pierced is your lovely wife??!!

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