The ‘AHA’ Moment

Over at author Nova Ren Suma’s website she’s just written a post about that wonderful moment when the floodgates open and everything suddenly looks technicolor bright—even the slodgy mess (that would refer to my WIP, not hers) that is whatever it is you are currently working on.
I have had those moments.
They should be treasured.
I have not had one in a while though, since I had a mini-surge a couple of weeks ago and realized that I really needed to add a prologue.
Which I did. And it worked out very nicely, thank you.
I am almost done with this manuscript. (By done I mean a serviceable first draft in good enough shape that I can commence, after a small rest, to hew it into better shape.)
I have two chapters that need work and one that needs to be written.
Ideally this should be the work of a week.
I am slacking. I am lagging. I am writing blogs which are all very well but…
what is wrong with me?
Once I am in, I’m happy tapping away but I seem to be doing everything I can to avoid even beginning.
Yes, my youngest child is being clingy. But (how many ‘buts’ is that? I don’t care) she is always clingy. She is a ‘me’ child and must always be in the thick of it, including sitting on my little chair with me in front of the computer and turning around so she can grip my face between her sticky hands. And btw, where does she find all the pins and pairs of scissors? Are they breeding under the desk?
Sadly there are few “AHA” moments. Mostly it’s just building words and slogging away (with periods of screaming, hair-pulling and excessive chocolate consumption) and hope that eventually it works somehow. The question is, how do you keep going?