new year shmoo year

I don’t make resolutions.
I usually do my utmost to avoid the hoo ha that occurs on the last night of the year. No judgement but I’d rather curl up with a good book.
I don’t live my life by the calendar although sometimes it’s useful to have an end-point. I think I’d rather make my best attempt to meet a blurry, somewhat vague ambition than to fall into misery because I’ve missed it.
Yeah, I’m saying I did not actually finish my first draft of my WIP by the stroke of midnight on December 31st 2009 but so what????
I thought about it.
I made copious notes on what I hope will be the next thing.
I did quite a lot of staring out bus windows and airplane windows and car windows with children battling motion sickness and I daydreamed as much as I was able.
I also observed orangutans, giraffes, albino alligators and an emerald boa which swayed back and forth with me from behind the glass and attempted to confound me with its faceted eyes. I checked out glossy steam trains from the golden California past, and the magnificent Awahnee Lodge brunch in a snowy and wild Yosemite. Mmmm- raisin brioche french toast!
I enjoyed my winter trip with my senses sharpened and hope it will all find a way into one story or another.
I’ve realized that maybe no one is harder on me than I am, and I decided to give myself a little bit of a break. I will be awfully tough on myself in a week or two. Oh look! A resolution of sorts. No, it’s a truth.
Anyway, here is one of my two reasons for not spending all my time hunched over my computer.
My Constant Companion. The Harbinger of Sleeplessness. The Grand Machinator. The Raison D’etre (together with her brother).
jo and lucy jan 2010
I’m feeling really good about 2010. Hope you are too.
(Has anyone come up with a hip nickname for it yet?)

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