Complimentary Spammers (Insidious minions of Beezlebub)

Personally I like the word ‘Spamsters’ better but I believe the correct name is the one above. I’ve been getting inundated with tons of spam lately, all of which is making it past my filters for some reason unknown to me. In fact, I do believe, my host service said they were updating their filters to cut down on this sort of thing but obviously that hasn’t worked out too well for them. Yet. I have hope. In the meantime I have had to spend a lot of time manually deleting the posts. They are hugely informative and mostly pictorial and if I ever had the slightest desire to cornrow a horse’s mane or do anything else with a horse for that matter I know that these are the folks to call.
The most adept Spammers are those who type in a short message before running their link lists, and it’s usually something exclamatory and pleasant. Like “I’ve often wondered about this very subject. Thanks for explaining it so clearly!”. This knocks my filters for a loop and it also causes me to hover over the delete button until I check out the address and see that it’s for cellular phones or a pharmaceutical.
It hurts me to delete such nice compliments but I’m afraid that if I don’t then, like Tribbles (btw are there tribbles in the new Star Trek movie?), they will surely multiply.