As usual it was very difficult to pick a winner however I think Sasha Blinstein won it by a (nose) hair.

Majestic rose the imperial tall ship, riding the waves, cresting, like twin draft horses plowing a deep furrow, driving before all the tumultuous tons of watery ichor, silver-tipped, violet-smoked, the winsome liquid depths of Poseidon’s mighty kingdom beneath the sea. Riding high yet never master. Always subservient, ever more, ever more till time itself ended.

Honorable mention to Geffrey Engle. G. Rajat for the shortest bad first paragraph by an entrant with a very long name and to
Serite Findus for his/her fine use of adjectives.
A copy of The Artful Edit will go into the mail to Sasha first thing on Monday morning.
Thanks for playing.