Correction to “Just write the (bleeping) story!”

I actually managed to track down the tattered copy of “A Book Of Princesses” I so loved as a child. I believe it’s out of print now but there was a whole series: Princesses, Princes, and Magicians being the three I owned. Fairy-tales re-told or told for the first time by some of the best children’s authors out there. Beautiful, beautiful writing. Anyway, I referenced “The Light Princess” by George MacDonald Fraser in the blog entry, and it is definitely one of my favorites being a very moving and poignant tale of a prince who woos a princess without gravity (in this case meaning seriousness of thought or regard), however the hair, the scales, all that stuff never happened in that particular tale. Those things happened in “Melisande” by the fabulous and wonderful E. Nesbit (of course! she can do no wrong in my book).

Just wanted to clear that up.