Santa, I’ve been naughty, kind of

Actually I’ve been remiss and Santa doesn’t care much anyway. But for the first time in ages I have failed to blog at least twice in one week and I want to say I’m sorry. To all of you (the one person maybe) who hangs on every precious word that drops from my lips. So basically that would be no one, right?! (Hi mum!)
Anyway, be that as it may, I still feel a certain onus upon me to scribble down something at least somewhat worthwhile or witty and this post will be severely lacking in both. But have some Christmas spirit or holiday sensibility and try not to think too badly of me. Please.
I have been overcome by many little things. They have gotten the best of me. I promise it won’t happen again.
What it is really is I am very very close to finishing my WIP. I had decided (because I am stupid this way) that I would be done with the first draft by the end of the year. Now that it is looming ever closer, I’m not so sure. I thought I had a couple of chapters to go. It appears that it will be 4 chapters. One of them is already written. Or maybe two of them. One of them will be very hard to write without getting sentimental and overly morose. One I am in the middle of and it is going well but you know how these things are, actions of a few minutes or even seconds take paragraphs and pages to write.
I may not be done by January 1st.
I am accepting this with difficulty.
I will be traveling from the 23rd through Jan. 2nd and that’s a pretty good excuse even if I am of course bringing my laptop (my new Macbook Pro present to myself!) with me. There’ll be family and frenetic children. I’m not actually expecting to work, but one must be optimistic and one must persevere.
Incidentally this is a completely self-imposed deadline but I liked the thought of completing two books this year. It makes my ego feel good and lets me be self-satisfied.
Darn. Now that I’ve written all that down, I’m feeling even more pressure to finish the thing.
Any of you take time off during the holidays? Do you feel guilty about it? Or are you better adjusted than I am?

4 thoughts on “Santa, I’ve been naughty, kind of

  1. Hi mum! Yes, but the thing is you are graceful and stiff upper lippy and no one knows that you are tormented inside. I wail and punch walls and lapse into moodiness instead of rolling up my sleeves and getting back to it.

  2. I’m looking forwards to doing some writing over the break – it is fun after all – but I have also fostered a Zen-like attitude of resignation that I call upon whenever real life gets in the way – as I imagine it will a lot of the Christmas break …

  3. I’m hoping and planning to work. Bringing the laptop etc…but it’s the holiday bloat—-good food, no routine, less exercise than I’m used to, someone else’s house and bed—-that interfere with it.
    However this summer while on vacation I managed to work and finish my WIP so perhaps all hope is not lost.

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