Today on my walk about four or five chipmunks darted across the road in front of me, one at a time. It was like they were playing chicken or something. Perhaps it was a rite of passage. You know, run in front of the human to become an adult chipmunk. Sometimes when squirrels and chipmunks are pulling out all the stops, zigzagging and bouncing off tree trunks and doubling back before perching just out of reach so they can cuss me out, I wonder what they would do if I started chasing them. Would they get confused, lose their heads, just stop, frozen like rabbits in the head beams with their eyes screwed shut, whispering prayers under their breaths?
I think a lot while I walk. I’ve been doing the exact same hike for about five years, so my feet know where to go. I notice animals, the variations of the seasons, flowers and plants, little things but I am usually thinking about writing, and stories, and problems I’m having with writing and I am completely in my head especially on the weekend when the Lucy Factor is not with me; instead she is at home with the husband factor.
Then I can stride along, swinging my arms and really ponder. I might be looking directly at you, and not even see you. People always say to me, “I waved as I drove by and you didn’t wave back.” or “Why did you just scowl at my car when I passed you and smiled.” It’s very hard to see a face through a windscreen. I don’t notice cars. I don’t even like cars, and I most certainly do not recognize people by their cars. I would recognize you by your dog but I might not remember your name. This morning while I was thinking about what it would be like to lose everything and almost everyone you loved when you were twelve years old, a red car honked at me. Almost gave me a heart attack. I have no idea who it was but they wrenched me out of my thoughts. So please don’t do it again. it’s hard to submerge yourself in your thoughts when there are interruptions.
Which brings me to my fatal flaw. I figured it out this morning. I am egocentric and I have too much imagination for my own good.